How it all began

In 2002, our son, Jonathan, was born extreme premature, in the 6th month weighing only 850 grams. It took 2 months for him to survive. Our joy was short lived when we were informed that he had severe retina detachment in both his eyes. Inspite all our efforts and the surgery, Jonathan lost his vision and his ability to see.

We were devastated; the trauma was deep, the pain was unbearable. Little did we know that the journey thereafter would be so severe and long term. At age of 2, Jonathan had to undergo physio and occupational therapies. After years of efforts, he was able to hold his neck at age of 3 years, and then he managed to sit and at the age of 5, he was able to take his first independent walk.

There was no development center nearby and it took 4 hours of return travel to take him to the Helen Keller Centre for the Blind. Jonathan spent 5 years at the early intervention program, attending thrice a week. Everything seemed abstract to him and he learned when instructions were repeated and actions reinforced.
At age of 10, we integrated him with a mainstream school amongst regular children, giving him his first formal introduction to education. He was still dependent for his daily living activities and could attend school only with the help of a shadow teacher. With the academic syllabus personalized for him, he moved steadily from KG to class 8. Noting his potential, we got him trained in classical singing and in no time, he developed an ability to sing hundreds of songs. Encouraged by this, we explored musical drums for him, and he picked it up in a manner that would amaze musicians and singers.

As a mother, I had a critical role in Jonathan's development and transformation, focusing on what he can do instead of worrying about what he is unable to do.With positivity, perseverance and sacrifice, I focused all my efforts in creating an identity and independence for Jonathan and shaping a better future for him. I did not get discouraged by his disability but looked beyond to explore his talents and abilities. Some things that helped in his transformation are:

1. Timely importance to put him for early intervention program
2. Creation of home extension environment
3. Engaging a full-time special educator
4. Investing in various therapies even though results took time
5. Long years of efforts in working on his daily living activities
6. Building his conversation, speech and social interaction
7. Developing talent through music therapy.

His special educator, Trupti, has been a significant contributor in Jonathan’s life. She focused on his academic learning, his overall development and in making him independent, self-aware and social. When schools went online, parents of children with special needs were a bit lost and were looking for guidance. To address this need, Sandesha co-founded a non-profit organization called “GROW Foundation” with a belief that if she can do it, then so can you.

- Sandesha Sarkar & Rajesh Manik Sarkar


Our Team

Qualified and experienced team of Special Educators, led by purpose driven leaders.

Ms. Sandesha Sarkar
Founder & Managing Trustee

Sandesha has first-hand 20 years of experience in dealing with the challenges associated with special needs, disabilities and developmental delays. She has also completed her courses and certifications in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Learning Disability. She has put in exceptional efforts in developing her son who is vision impaired, has had major development delays and brought forth a major transformation in him by integrating him with mainstream school, socially blending him, working on his   skills to bring out his potential and building an identity for him through nurturing of his talents in singing and music. She has been a source of inspiration for many mothers, and have been actively counselling parents on how to understand and deal with their child’s special needs . During her corporate career, she was associated with MNCs such as Citigroup, Crompton Greaves and DHL in the Human Resources function.

Mr. Rajesh Manik Sarkar
Advisor (Pro Bono)

Rajesh is a seasoned HR leader with a rich corporate experience of 28+ years, having worked with global firms such as Deloitte, ING, Thomson Reuters and HSBC. He is known as a thought leader and as a transformation and change specialist, is a much sought-after speaker at HR summits and B Schools in India and across the globe. Rajesh guides the NGO on matters related to brand, governance framework and compliance.


Support Us

As a non-profit start-up, we welcome support from individuals and organizations who share our driving belief that all children can learn. We support children from all walks of life, including offering concessional or pro bono services as per the economic situation of the parents.  

You may support any of the causes such as:

  • Sponsor a child’s special education

  • Fund educational and tech-based aids

  • Support for classroom expansion

Registered with Mumbai Charity Commissioner Office. 80G compliant | Reg. No. E-28240 - Mum - Dt. Oct 2011